Friday, July 31, 2009
Ahlan ya Ramadhan...
pada sejuk sebelum subuh
sewaktu dulu kita bersahur
adakala kita terlena di meja
sedang mama leka memasak aneka juadah
pembuka selera anak-anak yang kelopak mata masing-masing
masih melekat kuat
sehingga terdengar bunyi azan
"tak apa..." kata mama, "makan cepat-cepat"
sedang mama hanya melihat dan meneguk air liur saja
Rindunya pada Ramadhan
pada pedih perut di waktu tengahari
diiringi kering tekak hingga ke petang
"itulah rasanya orang miskin yang tak punya apa-apa
untuk dimakan atau diminum," kata mama
"bersyukurlah atas apa jua nikmat yang Allah beri kepada kita,
kerana ia masih lebih baik dari kebanyakan orang yang malang"
dan kita pun terus berusaha berlatih menahan kesabaran
Rindunya pada Ramadhan
pada keresahan di penghujung hari
saat penantian waktu berbuka
kita masing-masing begitu teruja
makanan dan minuman terhidang di atas meja
dan kita setia menadah tangan untuk membaca do'a berbuka
walaupun azan hanya akan berkumandang sepuluh minit lagi
namun kita tak peduli, terus menanti
sungguhpun kekadang "terlupa" lalu "ter"minum air
yang "berpeluh-peluh" di luar gelas yang menunggu kita
Rindunya pada Ramadhan
pada lunak bacaan Qur'an di malam hari
di radio-radio dan TV
juga suara mama memecah sunyi
menjerit memanggil kita turut mengaji - "bertadarrus"
juga rindu pada suara Imam di Makkah
pada jam 3-4 pagi semasa siaran langsung
solat tarawih dari Makkah di kaca TV
sungguh, hanya pada bulan inilah pun
kita lama sedikit di tikar sejadah...
Rindunya pada Ramadhan
berdebar-debar hatiku menanti ketibaannya lagi
seumpama kekasih yang sudah lama takku temui
menitis air mata dan sebak dadaku
mengharapkan ketibaannya kali ini
dan mengharapkan panjangnya umurku
serta keizinan Allah agar dapat kami bertemu kembali
Rinduku padamu Ramadhan
seumpama pungguk merindukan bulan.
Cars - Pixar's movie in the classroom
We began the class by doing a bit of an "ice-breaking" activity with some of the characters or names that the students will encounter in the movie - a word search activity from Some names belong to the characters and some are the names of places around the town and such.
Right before watching the movie, the students were briefed on the while-watching tasks.
Here's the content of the worksheet I've built. Ideally the content should be placed in a table format. Teachers need to prepare the pictures of these characters for the students to cut and paste. Google Images happened to be a good source for me when I was looking for them!
Cars by Pixar - While-watching tasks.
1. Who’s who?
Instruction: Work in pairs. While watching, complete this summary of the characters in the movie. Then, paste the correct picture to match each text.
a. Lightning McQueen is a young r_ _ _ c_ _. He is poised to become the youngest car ever to win the P_ _ _ _ _ Cup Championship.
b. Mater is a rusty t_ _ - t _ _ _ _. Mater runs Tow-Mater T _ _ _ _ _ and S _ _ _ _ _ _ and manages the local impound lot.
c. Sally is a beautiful 2002 Porsche 911. She is the town a_ _ _ _ _ _ _ and also the owner of C _ _ _ Cone M _ _ _ _.
d. Doc Hudson is a 19_ _ Hudson H _ _ _ _ _, a country d_ _ _ _ _ who runs the local "medical clinic" (mechanic shop) in the town. He is also the town’s M_ _ _ _.
e. Mack is a 19_ _ Mack S_ _ _ _ -L_ _ _ _ and McQueen's trusted driver. He pulls McQueen’s t_ _ _ _ _ _ to his races.
f. Ramone is a 1959 Impala low-rider who owns and operates Ramone's H_ _ _ _ of B _ _ _ A _ _ , the local custom body and paint shop.
g. Flo is a 1950's show car. She runs the local diner, Flo's _-_ Cafe, the only _ _ _ station for miles around. She’s married to Ramone.
h. The K_ _ _, Strip Weathers, is a 1970 Plymouth S_ _ _ _ b _ _ _ and a racing legend. He has won more P_ _ _ _ _ Cup races than any other cars in history. He is going to retire at the end of the season and Lightning McQueen aims to fill his treads.
Source of info and content:
2. What is the name of the town featured in the movie?
3. Name three geographical features you’ve seen in the movie.
Ideally, discuss the answers to the while-watching questions with the students right after the movie. Then, students can be assigned with the post-movie tasks, either as a follow-up activity in the classroom, or as homework.
Post-movie tasks:
1. Write three adjectives to describe Radiator Spring before the new highway was built, and three more after it has been built.
Before After
i. i.
ii. ii.
iii. iii.
3. McQueen has changed a lot by the time he left the town, Radiator Spring. Compare McQueen to himself before the days he was in the town. Write three sentences. Use the comparative adjectives.
If I had more time, I would have included singing the song "Our town" by James Taylor as an additional activity. That would be more fun!
I welcome feedback gearing at improving the activities related to this movie - meanwhile, have fun tinkering in your classroom!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
When we first got married, I would sit next to my husband, the driver.
When we got our first baby, I had to sit at the back to monitor the baby. As he grew up and walked and talked, I had to give in to his demand that he would sit in front, next to the driver. He reminded me of He-man's line - "I got the power!".
Then came the second baby. Initially the first-born occupied the front seat as usual, as I took care of the little one at the back seat. As the baby grew up, walked and talked, my elder son found out that he no longer holds the power, as he constantly would have to give in to the younger brother's demand that "he" has to have the front seat.
Amusing, how the young ones rule!
2. Spelling of names as they move across the world...
Here are some interesting names that have amused me...
Ahmad in Malaysia, Ahmed in Yemen and Akhmet in Kazakhstan.
Abu Bakar in Malaysia, Abu Bakr in Saudi but Boubacar in Mali.
Abdullah in Malaysia, Saudi and Yemen, but Abdoulaye in Mali.
Ali in most Muslim's countries but Alou in Mali.
Ibrahim in most countries, but Ibrahima in Guinea.
Interesting names of some of my remarkable students - those whom I would always remember.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Originally published in Geocities in 1999.
Every minute in every day
Every moment in every way
is spent only on
waiting for YOU
Every thought during the days
Every dream at nights
is filled only
with images of YOU
I'm waiting for you because:
the sun does not smile
the rain does not cry
the moon does not show up
the breeze does not blow its kisses
since you're not around
Everything is cold
everything is dull
no longer the world beautiful
when you are not around
I'm wondering whether you're thinking of me
I'm waiting whether you'll be coming to me
I miss you, do you miss me too?
The sun shines brightly
the cool breeze caresses my cheeks
all the flowers are dancing
as if they are happy
The world seems beautiful
as it had never been before
and all of these changes
happen when I'm with you
Thank God for this most wonderful friend
who shines my life with his smile
Thank God for this very special friend
who has stolen my heart by showing he cares.
Mima Zohds
Originally published in Geocities in 1999.
Di persimpangan ini
aku terhenti
aku tertanya-tanya
ke mana aku nak pergi
Jalan yang kanan atau yang kiri
atau yang sedia terbentang di tengah-tengah
Jika ke kanan, pasti banyak tentangan,
Jika ke kiri, pasti aku tersesat,
Jika ke tengah, pasti tiada rintangan,
tetapi pastikah aku
tidak akan tersesat?
Ustazah Siti Hajar pernah bercerita:
"Dunia ini ibarat pentas dan manusia adalah ibarat pelakon-pelakonnya. Satu hari nanti pentas ini akan digulung, dan setiap lakonan akan dihitung..."
Ustaz Nik Daud juga pernah mengajar:
"Manusia dijadikan Allah untuk menyembahNya. Kita lahir ke dunia dengan ikatan janji terhadapNya untuk menunaikan tanggungjawab sebagai Hamba dan Khalifah Allah di muka bumi ini..."
Abang Koji pun pernah mengingatkan:
"Islam memang menyuruh kita bersederhana tetapi itu tidaklah hermakna dalam menunaikan perintah Allah pun kita bersederhana, sesiapa yang berusaha melaksanakan hukumnya dengan lengkap dituduh "extreme"...
Kini hatiku pula berkata:
"Ah... tersilap konsep aku rupanya... bersederhana hanya dalam menunaikan perintah dan larangan Allah sahaja, sedang dalam hal lain tak pula aku ingat untuk bersikap sederhana. Berlakon... selama ini berlakon saja aku rupanya. Aku tak perasan pula peranan apa yang aku dah bawa, penjunjung titah atau pendurhaka? Apakah perananku sebagai Hamba dan Khalifah Allah telah aku jalankan dengan berkesan... yang patuh atau yang engkar? Yang meninggalkan rasa kasih atau rasa benci...pada Penghitung lakonanku?"
Mima Zohds
kita kurang meneliti ciptaan Tuhan
kita lupa Dia yang menjadikan
lalu kita angkuh dalam kehidupan
kita terlupa bahawa kita adalah hambaNya
lantas kita pilih jalan sendiri
tanpa menghiraukan jalan yang disediakan
atas dasar 'kesederhanaan'
Zaman ini
zaman manusia kembali kepada agama
sebagai ad-din
tapi aku masih ketinggalan
kerana gagal menembusi tembok kehidupan.
Mima Zohds
Originally published in Geocities in 1999.
Bukan aku seorang penyanyi
Untukku dendangkan lagu-lagu sepi
(Sedih pilu)
Bukan pula aku seorang penyair
Untukku gubah kata-kata puitis
(puja rayu)
Bukan juga aku seorang pelukis
untukku coretkan warna-warna perasaanku
(tak menentu)
Aku hanya seorang perindu
yang hanya mampu berkirim salam di angin lalu
Too bad that I am not a singer
otherwise, I would sing those lonely songs
(sad emotion)
Neither am I a great poet
if it's so, I would compose some love sonnets
(pleading and worshipping)
Nor am I a great artist
or else, I would paint the colours of my heart on a canvas
I am just a poor dreamer
who keeps wishing that the wind
would whisper my love wishes
into your ears.
Mima Zohds
Jika aku ini cermin
akan ku cermin ke dalam dirimu
untuk ku lihat hati budimu
Jika aku ini penyelam
akan ku selami lubuk hatimu
untuk ku ukur dalam kasihmu
Jika aku ini ikan
akan ku renangi lautan perasaanmu
untukku tahu jauh rindumu
Tapi aku hanyalah
seorang manusia sepi
yang setiap malam menunggu pagi
sambil bertanya pada diri
"Adakah matahari akan bersinar untukku lagi?"
If I were a mirror
I would be able to reflect your inner thoughts
and I would know what's inside your mind
If I'm a diver
I would dive in the depth of your eyes
to find out how deep is your love for me
If I were a sea-creature
I would be roaming in the sea of your feelings
and see exactly how much you miss me
Unfortunately, I'm a plain loner
who would wait for the nights
to turn into days
and at the same time wondering
whether the sun would keep on shining
for me.
Mima Zohds
mendengar suaramu
di hujung sana
hati jadi lapang, riang,
dunia jadi terang, girang,
dan aku terus jiwang.
So happy
to hear your voice
on the other side of line
my heart becomes light and cheerful
the world becomes bright and colourful
and I... have fallen deeper in love.
Mima Zohds
Friday, July 17, 2009
Originally published in Geocities in 1999.
Aku sepatutnya bersemangat waja
tapi aku siang-siang
bersemangat tahi ayam saja
Aku sepatutnya berjuang
menebus maruah bangsa
tapi aku siang-siang
sudah putus asa
Aku sepatutnya berusaha
mencapai kecemerlangan
tapi aku siang-siang
sudah bosan menghadapi cabaran
Aku sepatutnya terus mencuba
tapi aku siang-siang
kibar putih warna bendera
Aku sepatutnya
tapi aku siang-siang
aku mula tertanya-tanya
ke mana arahku akhirnya?
I'm supposed to be strong-willed
but I've been disheartened
too early beforehand
I'm supposed to be fighting
to regain the honour of my race
but I've been feeling discouraged
too early beforehand
I'm supposed to strive for excellence
but I've been feeling tired of facing the challenges
too early beforehand
I'm supposed to keep on trying
but I've been waving up the white flag
too early beforehandI'm supposed to...
but I've been too early beforehand...
I'm beginning to wonder
where exactly am I heading to?
Mima Zohds
Pagi, basah embun, segar hijau.
Tengahari, terik sinar mentari, kuning lesu.
Petang, tenang sepoi bayu, maut di pintu.
Malam, timpa hujan renyai,
selamat tinggal pohonku.
Morning, damp, dew drops,
fresh and green.
Early afternoon, sweltering,
sun drenched, yellowish, comatose.
Late afternoon, gusty, breezy,
depleting, death knocking at the door.
Night, rainfall, it's drizzling,
goodbye my tree.
Mima Zohds
I never feel as lonely as I am
Nowhere to go to
Nobody to talk to
No group to whom I belong to
Where are my best friends
With whom I can spare my thoughts easily
to share my dreams,
my happiness and sorrows
No more laughing together
No more crying together
(I see... our togetherness is not forever)
Friends... greatest friends,
I do miss you like hell!
As lonely as I am,
Mima Zohds
Once upon a time...
And 'coz I'm a sentimental person and I've a failing memory (getting old, I suppose), now I have to copy all those "masterpiece" poems of mine (LOL- of course I'm being sarcastic to myself ;)) and move them here so I can remember all those days when I was just a shy and confused young girl who had kept my feelings to myself. :)